Sunday, February 26, 2012

Towel Holder

These towel holders are very different than the towel toppers that I used to make before. With those towel toppers, you have to wash the whole thing. But with this type of towel holder, you can remove the towel and replace it right away with a new one.

The pattern for this is super simple too!

You'll need a ponytail holder, yarn and a button. For this example pictured, I used strands of 10 cotton thread. You can also use a thicker cotton yarn as well as worsted weight yarn. There will be a difference in the number of rows that you complete. You want to make sure it'll wrap around the desired place.

To Start: Join with sl st around ponytail holder, ch 1, sc as many times needed around the ponytail holder, join with sl st in first sc.
Row 1: ch 2 (counts as 1st hdc here and throughout), hdc in next 9 sts, turn.
Continue this pattern, working 10 sts across until your piece is at a desired length. I usually work 12-15 rows before adding the button hole.
Button Hole Row 1: ch 2, hdc in next 3 sts, ch 2, sk next 2 sts, hdc in next 4 sts, turn.
Button Hole Row 2: ch 1, sc in next 3 sts, 2 sc in ch 2 sp, sc in next 4 sts, turn.
Finishing Row: ch 1, sc across.
Border: ch 1, sc around the border of the towel holder, sl st into beginning ch 1, fasten off.

Sew on your button and you're done!

NOTE: The red/pink towel holder is not pictured with a border. If you'd like to see what it looks like with a border, click here.

After playing around with these for a little bit, you can change up the width of the project to fit your needs. My aunt makes these and she dc around the ponytail holder instead of sc. I also know people who make something similar and add a border around the whole project. So really you can do anything to this to fit your needs or your style!

Just remember, the bigger the ponytail holder, the bigger towel you'll be able to fit in there. This pictured is a smaller holder, so the kitchen towel is quite small. I would not be able to fit a towel like I used in my towel toppers post with this. Some people use 2" plastic rings, but honestly, I cannot find plastic rings anywhere anymore!

Enjoy your new towel holders!
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